October 22, 2024

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10 Tips to Survive Moving Day Like a Pro



Moving day is right around the corner, and even though you’ve been working towards it for weeks, there are still some last-minute things to do before the big day arrives. Here are tips to help you survive your moving day like a pro, with minimal stress and maximal convenience.

1. Have All the Boxes and Supplies Ready Ahead of Time

Having the resources you need to move at your fingertips can make a big difference in how smoothly your day goes. Don’t wait until you’re on moving day to buy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and other supplies. Buy them ahead of time, so they’re there when you need them.

If you need special moving containers such as pet travel carriers, storage bins, or wardrobe boxes, order these online ahead of time too. Hence, you don’t have to rush around looking for them while getting everything else ready for your move. The more prepared you are for moving day, the less likely it is that anything will go wrong—and if something does go wrong, you’ll be better equipped to handle it! You can contact Meyer Movers for all your moving needs and guidance.

2. Use Packing Organizers

It’s easy to underestimate how much space you have to work with, so use box packing organizers to save yourself time, space, and energy on moving day. These packing organizers usually come in sets of four or six, enough for most apartments and houses. You can use them for books, clothes, and other miscellaneous items that you can typically place into boxes during a move.

However, if you’re planning on using these types of packing organizers, make sure they are sturdy. Some flimsy ones might fall apart when filled with heavy items like books and clothing.

3. Label Boxes Clearly, But Succinctly

Getting lost in a sea of labels will distract you from what’s important. Instead, be specific with each labeling to avoid confusion. For example, think of children’s clothes rather than clothes or shirts and pants instead of clothing. Hence, if your movers are packing up your daughter’s room while your son is at school, they’ll know which box goes where. Label boxes clearly and neatly so that anyone who comes across them can easily read them.

You can also consider a simple labeling system by creating categories such as a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, etc. Post-it notes as labels are ideal because they’re removable without damaging surfaces, easy to write on, and can even be written on with wet-erase markers if someone needs to make changes later.

4. Don’t Forget to Eat Breakfast and Organize Lunch

It’s essential to fuel up with protein and carbohydrates before getting started on your day. You will need the energy to keep you going through a long day of hauling boxes, so don’t forget to eat Breakfast. Also, pack some snacks for lunch if you get hungry while packing or moving items around your new home.

If you plan to eat out, try not to go overboard, as it is easy to overburden yourself when eating out at restaurants during a move. Remember, a hungry person is an angry person. Don’t be that guy.

5. Don’t Forget About Safety

While moving, it’s easy to get distracted and forget about being safe. Make sure you always take precautions when climbing a ladder or carrying heavy items through your house. These injuries can become serious very quickly and cause significant setbacks in your move, not to mention putting you out of work for several weeks or even months.

It’s also essential to work closely with your moving crew to help you avoid any dangerous and costly mishaps. For example, make sure all furniture is adequately secured before lifting it onto a truck—and don’t try to lift anything heavier than you can handle by yourself!

6. Keep Valuables and Fragile Items

it’s crucial to pack valuables, fragile items, and vital documents in a separate and appropriate box. You may need to use unique packing materials for extra protection, so be sure to have these on hand before you start packing your jewelry, electronics, and other sensitive items.

For example, you can buy packing peanuts at most stores or ask your moving company if they provide them as part of their services. They’re great for keeping breakable items safe from damage during transport.

7. Let Your Moving Company Be on the Lead

Letting your moving company take control of your move is one of the best ways to ensure that everything goes smoothly. They’ll know exactly how much space you have in each room, what furniture can fit, and how long it will take them to get from point A to point B.

They can provide an extra hand where special tools or skill sets are needed, such as with heavy pieces of furniture or fragile antiques. Plus, they’re insured—so if anything gets damaged during transit, they’re responsible for fixing it or replacing it.

8. Pack One Room at a Time

By packing one room at a time, you’ll be able to put everything in its place before moving into another room. It takes strategy and organization, which will keep you sane on moving day. It also allows you to unpack youralready organized boxes by room. You can start with any room, but for efficiency’s sake, start with whichever room has minimal stuff.

9. Take Short Breaks

Take short breaks from packing to grab some air, get lunch, stretch your legs, or sit down for 10 minutes with a cup of coffee in one hand and a sandwich in another. Also, you can break it up into smaller chunks over several days. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you focus on one task at a time!

Remember to make stops during transit to avoid exhaustion, dehydration, and distraction. If you’re traveling by car, keep snacks and water in easy reach so you can take regular breaks to keep yourself refreshed. These little breaks will energize you and help you stay focused on getting everything done without succumbing to sore muscles or fatigue.

10. Get Help from Friends and Family Members

If you have any friends or family members who live close by, they’ll be able to help out in some way. However, it should be more work than social time. Be sure to let them know what kind of help you need unloading boxes, carrying furniture upstairs, etc. so that they can come prepared with gloves and other tools. Most importantly, don’t forget to thank them for their help! It will help you have an easy transition into your new home.


Moving is stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You can make it through successfully by being prepared, staying organized, and enlisting help from friends or family members who are willing to lend a hand. However, hiring an experienced mover will help you stay on track and get your belongings into your new home quickly. They will help you get through your move with as little stress as possible. Good luck!